October 2000
to DTI Questions Regarding the European Commission Proposal on Restrictions On Substances
in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (ROHS)
Answers to Question
EBFRIP has gone on
record on several occasions to make clear its opposition - and that of the European
Chemical Industry Council - CEFIC - to the phase-out proposal as regards all three PBDE
flame retardants.
One of the three PBDE
flame retardants - penta-BDE - is scheduled to be the subject of a phase-out proposal from
the Commission at the end of this year under Directive 76/769/EEC on marketing and use
following risk assessment provisional conclusions indicating a need for risk reduction
measures. EBFRIP fully accepts that this is a necessary outcome from the risk assessment
of penta-BDE.
The other two PBDE
flame retardants - octa-BDE and deca-BDE - are subject to provisional risk assessment
conclusions indicating no need for risk reduction measures. Final tests are taking place
on these two PBDEs which are due for completion early in 2001. It would be a disturbing
precedent for future EU policy were the Council to confirm the Commission's proposal on
octa-BDE and deca-BDE even though each Member State has signed up to the Existing
Substances Regulation and its risk assessment process.
We urge EU governments
to postpone any decision on octa-BDE and deca-BDE until the completion of the risk
assessments. We also view Directive 76/769/EEC to be the only logical way in which the
environment and worker health can be protected from substances whose risks need to be
managed or avoided. In this respect, it seems illogical for the Commission to propose a
ban on penta-BDE in electrical and electronic equipment with one hand and to propose a
complete ban with the other.
In summary, we would
suggest that, as regards the PBDE flame retardants, the Commission's proposal on ROHS
should be subjected to the science of the EU's own risk assessment process and to the
Commission's own drafting of new legislative proposals under Directive 76/769/EEC.
Finally, the industry can confirm that
the one remaining PBB has already ceased production, in May 2000 of this year.